Wednesday, October 13

A Few Pics...

so how funny it was that there was another person at 1 of the parties we went to who had the same cane as lil blurry but...

limin on the truck...

the chicks in all their glory... 


  1. What a blast! You are living life to the fullest my dear!!

  2. you are beautiful! and i am so happy to have found your blog. i am new to the MS game and reading about how you are coping with it all is helping me tremendously. i just started on some pills for various symptoms and will be starting Copaxone as soon as the blasted nurse shows up with it all.... anyhow, just wanted to give you a THANK YOU for sharing.... i've been trying to do the same...sharing in hopes that it will help someone, but mostly because i have to get the thoughts outta my own head...! peace to you!

  3. thanks Sheri...I'm glad that it's helping u...don't hesitate to send me an email if you ever have any questions...I know how frustrating it can be especially when u're newly diagnosed.
