
Wednesday, April 2



So...can't really say too much bout it yet but I'll say this. As long as I continue down this path of "no negative effects", I'll keep taking it. It has a number of things going for it and is better than Tecfidera (in my book).

  • First of all, it's a pill - HALLELUJAH! I remember 9 years ago (wow), sitting talking to the lady and I had 4 choices.  The bottom line?  Decide how many times I wanted to inject myself…steups
  • It's once a day - just have to keep up with one pill everyday and i can take it anytime with or without food (another pill I take is extended release so I have to be cognizant of that and spread out the doses)
  • It's much better looking than Tecfidera - bright aqua like colour vs pale yellow and white…i always link bright blue to poison
  • It's smaller than it too so for people who cyah swallow pills, J, it easier to take I'm sure
Of course, you hadda take the good with the bad. I got my first shipment last week Tuesday, opened it up and I don't think the manufacturer packaged it with MS patients in mind.  When I get pills from the pharmacy, they are either prepackaged or come in a generic looking pill bottle (with a spin off cap) because the pharmacist had to count them out.  Well Gilly is a box...u know the box with the foil on one side so u jes hadda snap out the pill? Well I don't think that packaging is very MS friendly. Luckily for me, I'm right handed and my left hand is the problem hand so I'm able to get them out without too much drama buh wha bout others who cannot?  Won't it just be easier for us if it were packaged in a bottle?  Of course!!  but you know the drug companies are all about that bottom line - they probably save a few $$$ using the box/tinfoil packaging.

anyhoo, time will tell what Gilly is all about - i'm being and thinking all positive thoughts!


  1. Yay! Sending you more positive thoughts! I'm envious of you taking a pill; I'm still on the injections, but my neuro says as long as it's working, I shouldn't switch. So I guess I can't complain!

    1. thx!

      i cyah lie, i am sooooooo glad that my days of that are OVER!!! :-)

  2. Hi, I was wondering how you are doing on Gilenya. I am trying to decide between that DMD and Teciders. Thanks.

    1. U know...I haven't experienced any side effects (ock on wood) and I've been doing okay. I prefer it to Tecfidera for sure so I'll stay on it (I cannot go back to injecting myself ) till something "better" comes along.
