
Wednesday, October 17

Having MS...


I'm not rolling in dough but i don't need anything either.  10-15 years ago, i hadn't been diagnosed as yet (did i already have MS and it just hadn't reared its ugly head or was it just thinking of ways to invade my body) and i really couldn't afford to travel here and there without a moment's thought but now that i can afford it (somewhat) i can't go anywhere willy nilly.  I have to think about "should i get a scooter to move around?  does it make sense for me to go?  is there a handicapped room or a walk in shower for me?" - it sucks!!

speaking of walk in i rented a house in FL this year for my birthday and this year for Miami carnival we also rented a house.  Miss (H) knows that she always has make sure that the house has a walk in shower to accommodate me.  it always works out that every time we are the first ones there, so we always park ourselves in the master bedroom (9x/10, that's where the walk in is) and let others "fight" for other bedroom space.  Anyhoo, so i enter the shower in the Miami carnival house and it is literally as big as my entire bathroom here.  i actually had to walk around in the shower to get to things like my shower gel, shampoo etc (because there was no shelving anywhere near the shower itself).  By the 3rd day, i didn't want to take any chances and was actually taking my cane IN the shower with me just to be extra careful.  lol...did i actually use it IN the shower?  no...but i thought it was better to be safe than sorry!

Luckily, i'm still very independent.  i can really only think of 1 thing that G does for me on a regular basis that i'm unable to do for myself.  I'm single, so anytime i want to go anywhere/do anything, if i have noone to go with me, i have to think about "is it safe for me to go alone/does it even make sense for me to go/do it?"

  • the other day i wanted to go and buy some doubles and pholourie and thought twice about it because i was told that there was a small incline up which to walk. "small inclines to everyone else means Mt. Everest to me" so best i stay my ass home and find something else to eat 

that sucks too but it is what it is.  can't do anything about it because it appears that the MS has parked up and made a home of my body so i just have to deal with the fact that life has changed and i can't just do things on a whim whenever/however i feel like it.


  1. ..........woman, I living 4 exits up from you, call me nah. If it have something yuh need to do, doh frighten, I have yuh back. Is not like a have ah woman to fight yuh down like before, take advantage of de freeness now before I attract another crazy one.

    Seriously though, call me if Gab cyah manage sometimes, I living right dey.

  2. LOL!! yuh take the cane IN the shower?! LOL!
    good job tho, yuh know how I always like to be prepared for anything.
