
Monday, May 23

Cooler Fete 2k11

Whomever came up with the "cooler fete" concept is a genius (I'm sure that most, if not all Trinis will agree).  $25 entrance, walk with ur cooler (translated, u eh spening a dime when u get there - unless u want food) full or not full of drinks.  ANY size, shape, colour, texture cooler.  I wish i had my phone as i was making my way thru the crowd to take a picture of the blow up kids' pool that i saw full of liquour (that was a 1st - at least for me).

Now, i knew that cooler fete was Saturday nite; it's the 1 fete here that i always look forward to every year and what did i do?  instead of keeping my ass quiet (see Spoon Theory) for the day, i did all sorts of things - had a massage, got my nails done, went to lunch blah blah even though i was feeling okay when i got home, by the time fete time rolled around i had about 3 spoons left!! ugh!!!  Didn't let that stop me (altho i was mat at myself) and as it turned out, we were as far from the restroom as we could have been!, so u can just imagine the mess i was in when the stupid ass cops (ASSHOLES have nothing better to do with their time but mess up a very good time) stopped the party and sent us packing!  This time around, i allowed K and H to carry me out (they formed a seat with their hands - isn't there a name for that hold?  i normally politely decline whenever someone asks if i want to be carried) because, of course, we would probably now be getting to the car if i'd walked out on my own.

Good time, altho i know better and should not have galavanted all day like i have unlimited number of spoons to play with!


  1. ok what is a fete? a party? i've been trying to keep up with the Trini terms... I love them! and judging from the pictures it looks as though you had a grand time!

    i have a hard time keeping track of my spoons and almost always end up running into the negative counts... i keep telling myself to stop doing it...but i hate to miss out on life too.... ugh

  2. p.s. your eye looks so much better!

  3. my eye does look better doesn't it? it's just amazing to me how the body heals

    :-) yes "fete" = party...and we were having a grand ole time until the cops showed up!

  4. Yes. The Spoon thing...Aughh I try so hard to abide, but I just can't get it right! Usually it ends in a nice argument between hubby an I. I end up pouting like a 3 year old!

  5. I think it's called the Fireman's Chair or Fireman's Carry. I guess I will see allyuh in the big fete Saturday night after the parade.

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