
Monday, April 19

Got the Other Call

Just a quick update today...

It's in the mail!  The medication is going to arrive on Wednesday...I will start taking it on Thursday.  OYE!  Hopefully I too will have good news to report after i start taking it.  I eh go lie, I'm a little scared...what with its being a new drug and the side effects and all, but it is what it is.


  1. I always freak out when I start a new drug -even the most mundane things - I can only imagine how you must be feeling. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

  2. I'm in great hopes that you will be just fine.

  3. Your concern is understandable. The side effects of the most ordinary drug is off putting. Hoping that your side effects are nil and you benefit from this

  4. lots of luck have been very up beat throughout this illness so god's speed-is dat de saying.Roms
