
Thursday, February 25

the Seminar

I must say, i've surprised myself at the Wellness seminar.  I am shy (others may beg to differ, but really i am) but I'm so much more vocal than i usually am and it's so easy being open and honest in front of the group.  Next week is the last session and i will admit that i will probably miss going to them; I've also learned sooooooooooo much!

Last nite's session was perfectly timed...the discussion was regarding "starting a new treatment".  While the discussion wasn't centered around me, most of them know that i am interested in taking the new drug recently approved, so i got some great feedback on what questions to ask my doctor (in addition to the list i already have) and what i should look at/for (wrt: the study done by the manufacturers) to make an informed decision (have to admit, there were some things that i really hadn't thought about before).

I also learned about this website:  This is a site where individuals can actually sign up to receive coupons for medication directly from drug manufacturers and just general assistance for medication costs.  Who the heck knew that something like this existed???  Certainly NOT me! 

Apparently, drug manufacturers are supposed to give away a certain amount of medication annually to continue receiving federal funding...this is the site on which uninsured and underinsured individuals as well as those who just need help with the cost of medication can apply for those meds...

food for thought, cool stuff and good information to have "in ur back pocket"!

1 comment:

  1. Well, I'm glad you had an opportunity to get so much information. I hope that there's another wellness seminar you can attend on a different level. Your "SHY", hmm... I guess we all are getting updated information,lol!
